Why should you choose an engineering apprenticeship?
A very common question asked by young people is ‘why should I choose an engineering apprenticeship?’ When searching online you will find plenty of articles and blogs comparing the pros and cons of choosing an apprenticeship.
I did an apprenticeship and now I train others – here is why you should consider doing one
This blog is my personal view on why I think you should choose an Engineering Apprenticeship. I’ve pulled from my own personal experience from the last 9 years working with learners completing engineering apprentices and from my own decision to complete an engineering apprenticeship when I left school.
I’m proud to champion engineering apprenticeships and I encourage everyone looking at their options to consider this fantastic and beneficial route into the industry. I’ve broken down the key points of why I think apprenticeship are great and also, why you should consider doing one through Engineering Trust Training.
Work Experience
In my opinion the single most important benefit of choosing an apprenticeship is the work experience you will receive immediately. Having the opportunity to put you studies and training into practice accelerates your development into becoming a well-rounded engineer.
Having technical qualifications and experience makes you highly employable. It’s no coincidence that our apprentice’s careers take off so quickly and continue to develop beyond the initial training.
For example, if you complete a Level 3 apprenticeship, you will have just under 4 years work experience by the time you have finished. You will also have the knowledge that comes from operating in a work environment with the experience and qualifications to back it up.
I can only vouch for the training we provide at ETT and it is of the highest standard. You are provided with a dedicated Training Officer (like me!) to oversee your whole apprenticeship. I build a great working relationship with you and your company mentor who will provide you with the in-house training and support. The business, with my support will identify any skill gaps in your training and address them by providing either in-company training or releasing you to external training provider to improve your skills.
I will also work with you identify where you can improve. You can suggest courses which you feel would benefit you and the company you work for, driving your own development, enhancing your training and fully unlocking your potential.
Throughout your apprenticeship you will learn both theoretical and practical skill, gaining technical qualifications as you progress. You will also attend college to gain further engineering qualifications completing a Technical Certificate. This qualification will deliver those important pieces of engineering technical knowledge and skills which you will be able to use for years to come. An engineering apprenticeship gives you the opportunity to flourish and employers encourage you to find your own ceiling. Many of our learners will go on to complete an HNC or a Foundation Degree and we have a good amount of apprentices continue their studies, moving onto a degree apprenticeship sponsored by their employer.
Earn while you learn!
This is a saying you may be familiar with. The fact you earn a good wage while completing your apprenticeship is a real positive whilst other options cost you money. Your treated as a normal employee of the business and benefit from the same rights as any other employee. Your salary will consistently increase throughout your apprenticeship with the training paid for by your company – it is big investment and helps them to safeguard their workforce of the future.
When you decide to take on an Engineering Apprenticeship you are choosing a career full of choices and potential. Engineering businesses are investing in their staff and they want talent who are capable of multi skilling in various disciplines and who want to and are capable of being technical experts for their product.
As part of your apprenticeship, you follow a robust Company Training Plan (CTP). This will encompass every part of your course and span the full time of your apprenticeship. Several parts of the CTP (even large parts of the CTP in some cases) may not be working in the section your apprenticeship is related to. Many employers want you to gain experience across their whole business with you drawing knowledge from working in each different part of the company. It will ensure you reach your potential and become the best engineer you possibly can be and are able to take advantage of any opportunities that present themselves.
I’m happy to help. I hope you have enjoyed reading this blog, for more information or advice please feel free to contact me via the ‘contact’ page on our website.
Written by Jovan, Training Officer