Every effort has been made to ensure that the information given on The Engineering Trust and Engineering Trust Training (ETT) website is correct at the time of publication and that any information given accurately describes the courses and services offered by the organisation. However, from time to time, details may change and be awaiting updating.
ETT takes no responsibility for the consequences of error or any loss or damage suffered by users because of the information published, and such information does not form any basis of a contract between the organisation and site users.
Up-to-date information will be provided where applicable before a stakeholder progresses. If an Apprentice, Employer, Parent/Guardian or any other relevant party is concerned about the specific elements of an apprenticeship or service, they should contact ETT to check the information before progressing.
ETT attempts to provide a wide range of opportunities and services to meet the requirements of all stakeholders. ETT aims to provide information in regard to opportunities of services at the earliest available opportunity to enable prospective apprentices or employers to register their interest either as an applicant or potential Partner Employer.
Applicants will be made aware of any significant changes to the status of any opportunity at the earliest available opportunity.
ETT reserves the right to postpone, relocate, restructure, withdraw or cancel any opportunities due to the occurrence of any event or circumstance beyond its reasonable control.
Any financial amounts shown on the website are for guidance purposes only and should be checked before progressing.
Links to any third party external sites are provided for the convenience of site visitors only. ETT is not responsible for the content of external sites and does not necessarily endorse the views or agree with the information held on these sites.
All material on the ETT website (including text, layout, graphics and artwork) is Copyright of Engineering Trust Training unless otherwise stated. This material cannot be copied in any way, except insofar as required for the viewing of pages on an individual device.