Richard Morris
Chair of Trustees and Company SecretaryRead MoreRichard has been an engineer for his entire career. He graduated in 1997 with a Masters degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Cambridge. His principal area of professional expertise is cryogenics. He has worked on projects as diverse as a cryogenic liquid distribution depot right through to ultra-low temperature sample environments for quantum computing.
He first became involved with apprenticeships in engineering in 2005 when he was asked to manage the apprentice team at Oxford Instruments NanoScience. Over the next 10 years, it was his privilege to coach and manage the development of some amazing young people. All of them have gone onto high profile roles, within Oxford Instruments and beyond.
Richard’s first contact with The Engineering Trust was through the NanoScience training scheme and he quickly recognised that the Trust offers unique added value to Modern Apprenticeships through the high quality of the Training Officers and the excellent support offered throughout the Apprenticeship. He became a Trustee for the first time in 2012 and, after a break when he was working overseas, again in 2016.
Richard is currently the Manufacturing Director at Oxford Lasers and is responsible for all Operations and Engineering for the company. Oxford Lasers also uses the Engineering Trust for apprentice training and the company has developed its apprentice team to support this growing business.
In addition to supporting engineering through the Trust, Richard is a Fellow of the Institution of Chemical Engineers and is a past chair of their Thames Valley Members Group.
'Engineering is an essential skill, and our role as experienced engineers is to support and encourage the next generation of engineering talent. As a Trustee I am proud to support the leadership of the Engineering Trust in promoting and achieving this aim. I believe that an apprenticeship in engineering provides an excellent foundation for a great career, and anyone who undertakes this training can and will go onto achieve great things'.